Kidney-pancreas transplant a boon to Type 1 diabetics, say doctors - The Hindu

2022-05-28 14:24:54 By : Mr. Bill Sun

“Performing combined transplantation of pancreas and kidney on Type 1 diabetics with kidney failure works like a miracle as they neeed not go for dialysis therapy for the rest of their lives and lead a stable life,” said M. Senthil of Velammal Medical College Hospital and Research Institute here on Saturday.

Speaking to reporters, Dr. Senthil said diabetes can affect any and every part of one’s body. Hence transplanting pancreas and kidney simultaneously provides a total solution. The surgery lasts up to eight hours and the patient can return to lead a normal healthy life in about 20 days post-transplant.

“My sugar level remained stable and I do not take medication for diabetes after the transplant in November 2021. It seems like a dream to finally lead an insulin-free life,” said Dr K Preetha, a former Type 1 diabetic who used to take four insulin injections every day for years.

This procedure is a game-changer where standard care for diabetes still remains long-term insulin and anti-diabetic medication in India, said D.r Senthil who stressed the need for awareness of this transplant among the masses.

The multi-organ transplant team at the hospital have performed more than 50 pancreas transplants - said to be highest in the country. In the last six months, three simultaneous pancreas-kidney transplants were successfully performed.

Meena. Shashikanth Kumar, 35, from Telangana who even lost vision in both his eyes in 2019 had kidney failure in 2020 and resorted to dialysis in 2021 for chronic Type 1 diabetes. He sought a permanent solution at the hospital. After his successful surgery on May 6, Mr. Kumar said that he is happy that almost a long list of health complications has been resolved and his family is happier and deemed this to be his second life.

Dr Senthil said the pancreas-kidney transplant is a boon for patients between the age of 18 and 60 with Type 1 diabetes and select patients with Type 2 diabetes.

Senior consultants, transplant anesthesiologists and intensivists Dr. Nivash Chandrasekaran and Dr. Dinesh Babu were present.

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Printable version | May 28, 2022 6:36:05 pm |