"Advanced injector" TikTok nurse reveals plastic surgery recos for Stranger Things star and gets righteous backlash | Boing Boing

2022-07-29 23:56:12 By : Mr. TEYES Factory

Twitter user Nilo (evil hag) recently tweeted a TikTok made by Plastic surgery nurse practitioner Miranda Wilson that's caused a lot of controversy. When Nilo posted it, they said, "I could never be a celebrity because if someone made a video like this about me I would get violent." 

The video was originally posted on the TikTok of Miranda Wilson, who uses the social media handle @np.miranda. On her TikTok she calls herself an "advanced injector" for a skincare company, and on her Instagram states that she works in "beauty, cosmetic, & personal care" as a "certified aesthetic nurse practitioner injector." On her social media channels, she posts videos and other content where she provides "anti-aging & beauty tips."

So what was the controversial video she posted? It basically showed how she would use plastic surgery, Botox, and other beauty industry tools to enhance the face of Stranger Things star Natalia Dyer. PopBuzz explains: 

In the original video, Miranda says: "Okay guys, let's talk about Natalia Dyer from Stranger Things. First of all, she killed it in Stranger Things." She added: "So if I were Natalia's injector, this is what I would do." Miranda then listed everything from chin filler and lip filler to a brow lift and botox, before unveiling a picture of Natalia edited with her surgery tips. 

Here are just a few of Miranda's bizarre suggestions: "We'd start by treating those masseters to help slim the face… Next, I would actually add a bit of chin filler just to help fill out her chin," and, "I would add just a little bit to the lips and then we'd get in there and do a little bit of botox. I'd give her a nice brow lift to help open up her eyes."

The final photo of Natalia that Miranda reveals looks literally like someone else, and fans of Natalia were outraged by the entire incident. Because of this backlash, Miranda recently posted a de rigueur "apology video," which she describes in this way:

Hoping to clear the air that I was not suggesting that Natalia NEEDED any of that work it was just an example. Of course Natalia is absolutely stunning the way she is…that's why she's so successful. Her photo was simply an example. I'm sorry if people took that as being mean or rude, that was not my intent at all.

It's bizarre that she would take the time to make the video in the first place, though, given how absolutely gorgeous Natalia Dyer is, to begin with. But this isn't the first time Miranda Wilson has posted questionable content. Here's a video where she is just staring off into space, pretending to talk with someone; the caption reads, "Talking to someone and being so distracted by all the movement on their forehead and thinking how good it would look if I give them some Botox." She seems to believe that EVERYONE should get Botox or other similar enhancements, which just isn't true. Not everyone wants or needs to look perpetually 25. 

i could never be a celebrity because if someone made a video like this about me i would get violent pic.twitter.com/4mgNbZcwHb

#greenscreen hoping to clear the air that I was not suggesting that Natalia NEEDED any of that work it was just an example. Of course Natalia is absolutely stunning the way she is…that's why she's so successful. Her photo was simply an example. Im sorry if peole took that as being mean or rude, that was not my intent at all

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