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Some clouds. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. Low 73F. Winds light and variable..
Some clouds. A stray shower or thunderstorm is possible. Low 73F. Winds light and variable.
Upson Regional Medical Center, a leading healthcare provider, announces the introduction of next-generation innovation into URMC’s dialysis program with the Tablo Hemodialysis System.
URMC and Tablo aim to reduce the cost and complexity historically associated with dialysis treatment, utilizing Tablo to improve the care experience for patients, families, nurses, and physicians, while also freeing the hospital from expensive dialysis-related infrastructure.
Dialysis, otherwise known as renal replacement therapy, is an expensive problem and significant burden on the U.S. health system. Nearly 85 million dialysis treatments are performed in the country, resulting in more than $70 billion spent each year, accounting for nearly seven percent of Medicare’s budget on only one percent of enrollees.
To overcome this burden, new technology and care models are needed to help improve patient care while reducing the overall cost. Outset Medical’s Tablo Hemodialysis System is an all-in-one enterprise solution featuring real-time water purification and dialysate production on demand in a single, compact unit. URMC is the first healthcare provider in this area to provide patient dialysis through Tablo.
URMC CNO Lane Harrington states, “Tablo is a game-changer and will effectively redefine our dialysis program. For hospitalized patients in need of renal replacement therapy, what used to require multiple machines and specialized skills to operate is now performed by one compact device, creating a more streamlined caregiver experience.”
“There is a growing demand for dialysis. With this rising demand we saw an opportunity with Tablo to consolidate our capital equipment and reduce cost, while maintaining the high standard of patient care the community has come to expect from URMC,” added Harrington. “The more options we can offer patients, the better, especially in the midst of COVID-19. The portability and ease of use of Tablo has enabled us the ability to deliver treatment in multiple locations within our facility and train a broader pool of nurses, giving us more options to better serve our patients.
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