Written by Longjam Dineshwori | Updated : May 25, 2022 12:30 PM IST
It is usually advised to consume more fluid during summer to stay hydrated and beat the heat. But drinking too much water can be dangerous for dialysis patients.
Dr Alok Jain, Senior Nephrologist & Rajasthan Head, VitusCare Dialysis Centers, said that dialysis patients could harm themselves by drinking too much fluid because excess of liquid can raise their blood pressure, damage the heart, cause swelling, and make dialysis very uncomfortable.
The kidneys are responsible for regulating the body's hydration and water balance, thereby helping to maintain a healthy balance of water, salts, and minerals such as sodium, calcium, phosphorus, and potassium in the blood. For those undergoing dialysis post kidney failure, maintaining the body's fluid level is critical as the kidneys can no longer remove excess liquid and mineral load, he explained. Also Read Taking Painkillers Regularly Can Severely Damage Your Kidneys, Warns NephrologistWorld Kidney Day 2022: Time To Close The Knowledge Gap To Better Kidney CareChronic Kidney Disease Treatment: Punarnava, Gokhuru and Others Ayurvedic Herbs That May Help Prevent Kidney Damage More News
It is our body's natural tendency to consume more fluids as the temperature increases in the summer, but it may lead to excess fluid accumulation in the body, particularly in a dialysis patient, cautioned Dr Jain.
Therefore, he advised dialysis patients to monitor their liquid intake during summer to avoid other severe health issues
Dr Jain stated, "The CKD-5 (Chronic Kidney Disease - Stage 5) patients undergoing dialysis need to restrict their fluid intake during summers as they rely heavily on dialysis to remove fluids accumulated in their body. Excess fluid accumulating in the body can hamper their daily routine and can cause sudden drops in blood pressure during dialysis."
According to Dr. Jain, 30-40 per cent of dialysis patients visiting his clinic daily are not moderating their water intake properly.
He said that sometimes dialysis patients consume water-rich summer fruits such as watermelons, muskmelons in addition to fruit juices, buttermilk, tea and/ or coffee, which all add up to their overall water intake. As it eventually leads to excess fluid accumulation in the body, patients undergoing dialysis really need to be mindful of their fluid intake, he added.
Dr. Jain replied: For a patient undergoing dialysis therapy once every two days, s/he should consume no more than 1-1.5 litres of liquid in a day. This recommendation is based on the estimation that dialysis therapy can remove between 3-3.5 litres of excess fluid every session.
"The best ways to manage the liquid intake is to sip water using small cups instead of a glass. This will help reduce the craving of thirst. In addition, the patients should try to remain indoors as exposure to sun will further increase the urge to drink more water. Furthermore, the non-diabetic patients can also consider chewing a toffee or a gum so that they can feel a bit hydrated. If stepping out, always take an umbrella and avoid strenuous activities during summers. Controlling the water intake is the key to managing the harsh summer months for any dialysis patient," the doctor said.
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