Leave your corpses better than ever!
Sometimes the scariest thing in horror isn't the abstract but the painful realism. The Mortuary Assistant hones in on this by requiring you to embalm multiple bodies throughout the game. From draining the body of its contents and embalming the body with a mixture of chemicals to cleaning out the embalming machine and moving bodies back to storage, you're in charge of the whole procedure.
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While this may seem straightforward, keeping track of what you need to do, and with the components moving daily, it can be hard to stay focused. This guide will take you through every step and let you sleep knowing you could perfectly embalm a body.
The first requirement is, of course, a body. To collect it, you'll need to use the gurney in the main room. Once you have it, make a note of the person you want to embalm — each draw will have a name written on front to identify it. Open the draw and pull out the draw, it will automatically connect to the gurney when close. Next, wheel the body back to the main room and into the middle ready for the rest of the process.
Before you can begin embalming, you need to inspect the body for any blemishes. Not only so they look good in the afterlife, but also because the demon-ridden body may have identifying marks. Take your time going around the whole body, rotating body parts, and noting all of it down on your clipboard. While it isn't exactly difficult to find all the required marks, it can be easy to miss one by checking too quickly.
You'll then need to wire the jaw shut and close the eyes. To begin this, find the 'Needle Injector' and 'Setting Needles'. Once you have both of these, approach the head of the corpse and inspect it, drive the needles into both the upper and lower jaw, and then wind them both together. Next, find the 'Eye Caps', inspect the head once again, and open the eyes fully. Finally, you can click the caps into place and close the corpse's eyes properly.
Now it's time to prepare your concoction of chemicals to embalm the body with. While they will generally be in the same position on the first night, they will begin to move around and change location afterward, so it may take a while to find.
The four chemicals you'll need are Glutaraldehyde, Methanol, Humectant, and Formaldehyde. You will also need to add some reagent, however, this is always in the cabinet next to the computer. Once you've mixed all the chemicals, head to the embalming machine and start the mixing process.
Here you'll have to drain and embalm the body. For the first step of this process, you'll need three main items: a scalpel, forceps, and PVC tubing. Approach the neck on the body, slice open the neck, and use the forceps to keep it open. Now you can insert the tubing and start the pump to drain the body. Once it has drained, the sound of the pump will noticeably change. When the process is completed, turn off the pump, remove the tubing, and close the incision.
After all the setup, it's finally time to embalm. The tools you'll need for this are an IV bag and a trocar. Fill the IV Bag with cavity fluid and then insert the trocar into the abdomen. Move it around the entire stomach area until the bar underneath is entirely drained. It will only decrease a little in each spot before you have to move to another, so if the bar isn't moving, try changing where you're pumping.
This can be nausea-inducing if you are squeamish.
With the body fully embalmed now, it's time to clean up and return it back to cold storage. You'll only need the moisturizing wipes for this part, find where they're located, and move to the head of the body. Use the wipes to clean the whole face until it is as pretty as the day they died. You can now take the gurney back to the cold storage, wheel the body back to the chamber it came from, and close the door.
That's the full process of embalming a body from start to finish. Of course, you may want to burn the body after you're done with it. However, that takes place after the all important embalming process.
NEXT: Games To Play If You Like The Mortuary Assistant
Charlie is a 24 year old gamer from Southern England, a previous writer for ClickOn eSports and Dignitas.gg, previously covering exclusively League of Legends eSports. As he has spent his entire life playing every game possible he's now looking to write more detailed guides to help all Gamers!