The Lancet has come out with a scathing editorial and cover dedicated to the leaked Supreme Court draft decision that would overturn Roe v. Wade, written by Justice Samuel Alito and leaked to Politico. A stark, white cover of the top medical journal cover reads: “If the U.S. Supreme Court confirms its draft decision, women will die. The Justices who vote to strike down Roe will not succeed in ending abortion, they will only succeed in ending safe abortion. Alito and his supporters will have women’s blood on their hands.” The op-ed is equally harsh. “What is so shocking, inhuman, and irrational about this draft opinion is that the Court is basing its decision on an 18th-century document ignorant of 21st-century realities for women,” the authors write. “The route forward is unclear and perilous. This Court’s argument suggests possible future attacks on a raft of other civil rights, from marriage equality to contraception.”