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2022-06-11 01:13:51 By : Ms. Dannie Huang

It will also enhance the site’s ability to respond to an influenza pandemic.

Seqirus announced the completion of a $156 million expansion to the company’s manufacturing facility in Holly Springs, NC. The expansion supports the formulation and fill-finish of Seqirus' cell-based influenza vaccines in pre-filled syringes for global communities.

The new pre-filled syringe line has received FDA approval and will support influenza vaccine production for the 2022-23 Northern Hemisphere season and beyond. Additionally, it will enhance the site’s ability to respond to an influenza pandemic.

The expansion, which began in 2018, will support more than 80 additional highly skilled jobs in the Holly Springs community.

The expanded manufacturing facility and new pre-filled syringe line will allow Seqirus to increase its capacity to supply the U.S. market with Flucelvax Quadrivalent (Influenza Vaccine), the first and only cell-based quadrivalent influenza vaccine in the U.S. for individuals six months of age and older. 

“According to the World Health Organization (WHO), seasonal influenza can lead to up to 650,000 deaths globally each year,” General Manager Steve Marlow said. “As one of the world's leading influenza vaccine manufacturers, we’re continuously looking for opportunities to advance capabilities and support efficient, sustained supply of new and existing technologies."

Cell-based influenza vaccines are designed to produce an exact match to WHO-selected influenza virus strains by avoiding egg-adapted changes. In seasons where egg adaptation occurs, studies suggest cell-based vaccines may have the potential to be more effective than traditional, egg-based flu vaccines.    

Fluad Quadrivalent , which is specifically developed for adults 65 years and older using the company’s MF59 adjuvant, is also produced at the Holly Springs facility.

“As demand for differentiated influenza vaccines grows, it is paramount that we expand our manufacturing capacity,” said Dave Ross, Vice President of North America Commercial Operations. “This new line gives us the ability to more efficiently streamline our production process, allowing us to better meet the needs of public health.”