Medica S p A : 13.09.2022 18.04 - Medica S.p.A. acquires the residual 40% of Tecnoideal America Inc | MarketScreener

2022-09-16 23:54:54 By : Mr. Frank Wang

Fax 0535 52605 e-mail: home page: www.medica.itThe key success factors of the Group are:UNI CEI EN ISO 9001: 2015 UNI CEI EN ISO 13485: 2016Share capital € 4,223,250.00 fully paid-up - Business Register / REA n ° 229672 - Business Register of Modena n ° 01604300366 Registration in the National Register of AEE Producers n.IT08020000003645VAT number and Fiscal Code 01604300366 - Identification Number IT 01604300366home page: www.medica.itThe Medica group closed its consolidated financial statements for 2021 with revenues of 43.8 million euros (44.1 million euros in 2020), EBITDA of 9.9 million euros (9.5 million euros in 2020), EBIT of € 5.8 million (€ 5.6 million in 2020) and net profit of € 5.0 million (€ 3.8 million in 2020).Investor Relations Medica Giovanni Plasmati (+39) 0535 51159 giovanni.plasmati@medica.itCFO SIM SpAUNI CEI EN ISO 9001: 2015 UNI CEI EN ISO 13485: 2016Share capital € 4,223,250.00 fully paid-up - Business Register / REA n ° 229672 - Business Register of Modena n ° 01604300366 Registration in the National Register of AEE Producers n.IT08020000003645VAT number and Fiscal Code 01604300366 - Identification Number IT 01604300366Medica SpA published this content on 13 September 2022 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein.Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 13 September 2022 16:39:03 UTC.