Rob Stemple column answers reader question about needle disposal

2022-08-08 04:35:24 By : Ms. Carol Huang

Question: Is there anywhere locally where disposal of syringes and needles, used for medication injections, can be made? They are in the required needle boxes but we do not know what to do with them. We would appreciate your help with this.

Answer: I contacted Somerset Borough regarding this question, as I seemed to recall that they had a box at the borough building for safe needle disposal. I was informed that it’s actually the Somerset Borough Police Department 814-445-4596 that provides a box for needle disposal. I’m not sure if the box is outside, allowing you to drop off the needles at any time, or if it’s inside and only available during business hours. You might want to call ahead to make sure.

Our thanks to the reader who asked this question. Here’s where to send your comments or inquiries: At Your Service, Rob Stemple, Daily American newsroom, P.O. Box 638, Somerset, PA 15501 or email

Rob Stemple resides in Shanksville with his wife, Wendy. Although things are starting to open up, Rob isn’t providing music at the many area nursing homes and other facilities where he formerly performed. He’s turned to CD’s and the internet to get his music out into the world. Check out his music videos on the “Robin Stemple” channel on YouTube. Rob also has 8 CD's of instrumental hymns available. CD’s are available at no cost. Call 814-233-8826 or send an email to for additional information.